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Saturday, October 23, 2021

How to Increase the traffic of Website?


As the Internet continues to grow and dominate as a media source, it’s becoming increasingly important that your website stand out from the competition.

If you want to increase the traffic on your website, there are some simple techniques you can use. One of the most important aspects of increasing traffic is attracting social media followers, as this will help people find your site and share it with others. You should also try to create a visually appealing site that is easy to navigate. Here are some ways to accomplish this goal.

    Make sure your site is optimized for search engines. If someone searches for a product or service you offer, it should show up in the search engine results page.

    Link internally between your pages for readers to find related information that could be of interest.

Simple Traffic aims to provide a service for your website so that you can have a passive income from your website's traffic without having to work on the website. Simple Traffic offers a variety of benefits to a website owner. It helps a business to expand their business, helps a business to prevent a drop in sales, helps a business to keep up with the competition and boosts the sales by creating more sales opportunities.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Common Mistakes That Put Your Bitcoin at Risk

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Bitcoin is the most secure decentralized network in the world. Period.

When you put your money into the Bitcoin network, you are guaranteed that it is safe. Most importantly, you are guaranteed that the fruits of your labor will be protected from the ravages of monetary inflation, but also from the censorship of the powerful who run the monetary and financial system.

If Bitcoin gives you power over your money, and ultimately your life, it comes with an important caveat to keep in mind: it’s up to you to protect what you own in Bitcoin.

You must take responsibility for securing your Bitcoin. The real weakness in the Bitcoin network is the users now. There are some common mistakes that users of the Bitcoin system make that jeopardize their future regarding money.

In the following, I highlight the 5 most common mistakes, and more importantly, how to prevent them.

Storing your Bitcoin on exchange platforms

I often meet people who have realized that they need to put the money they can’t afford to lose, because of the monetary inflation that is wreaking havoc, in the current system into the Bitcoin network.

If their diagnosis is correct, then I am surprised to hear that they keep their Bitcoin on exchange platforms saying that they are not comfortable with storing their Bitcoin on cold storage.

This is a huge mistake and puts the fruits of your labor at risk.

By leaving your Bitcoin on exchange platforms, you face the same problems as with the current monetary and financial system in terms of censorship and confiscation of your wealth. An exchange can decide at any time to confiscate your BTC for arbitrary reasons.

Your money will benefit from the ravages of monetary inflation, but you won’t have power over your money by making this mistake. So you absolutely must take the next step, which is to own the private keys to your Bitcoin.

Remember this golden rule:

“Not your Keys, Not your Bitcoin.”

You’ll see that there’s nothing insurmountable about transferring your Bitcoin to cold storage. There are only advantages to doing so.

Losing the private keys associated with your Bitcoin

Once you have sent your Bitcoin to cold storage, you should be careful not to lose the seed phrase that will allow you to recover your Bitcoin if you lose your hardware wallet for example.

From your seed phrase, you can derive the private keys associated with your Bitcoin. This is something to store in a safe place and in a way that will stand the test of time.

There are metal plates on the market for this.

Getting trapped in scams due to greed

Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution that will change the world of the future for the better. The more Bitcoin you have in your possession, the better for your future. That being said, you should not fall into the trap of greed that causes some people to lose big in scams that abound on the Internet.

Remember again the scam that took place in the summer of 2020 with hackers taking over Twitter accounts of well-known personalities like Elon Musk by sending out tweets saying they would send back double in Bitcoin to people sending them an amount in BTC first.

It seemed too good to be true. Unfortunately, many people were once again tricked.

The golden rule is simple:

“If it looks remotely like a scam, then it is a scam!”

By reminding yourself of this rule constantly, you’ll keep your mind off of anything that looks too good and focus on what matters: the Bitcoin revolution. Be consistent in your BTC purchases and you’ll be among those who will benefit most from Bitcoin with peace of mind.

Sending your Bitcoin to the wrong addresses on the network

No one can stop you from using your Bitcoin as you wish. That’s why you can live your life on your own terms. But this comes at a price, as I told you before.

You are in charge of keeping your Bitcoin safe.

If you send your Bitcoin to the wrong address, you won’t have anyone to refund you for the lost Bitcoin. You have no one to blame but yourself! That’s how it is in a system where every user has total control over their money.

This error does not happen frequently, but you should double-check the addresses you enter when making a transaction on the Bitcoin network.

Selling your Bitcoin

I often hear people fantasizing about how much money they would have today if they had bought Bitcoin in 2010 or 2011 and kept it no matter what.

First of all, I want to reassure those people that there is no need to have regrets because the majority of people who held BTC at the time ended up selling during 2013 when Bitcoin reached $1,000 for the first time.

Even if you had known about Bitcoin back then, you wouldn’t have remained a Bitcoin HODLer no matter what until today.

This is where the last mistake that puts your Bitcoin at risk comes in: selling your Bitcoin. This is because Bitcoin is a NgU technology whose price is set to rise phenomenally in the future. By selling your Bitcoin today, you would be missing out on two main things:

  • You would be jeopardizing the fruits of your labor by exchanging hard money for weak money like the American dollar.
  • You would no longer have the power over your life since you would once again be at the mercy of the will of the powerful at the head of the current monetary and financial system.

Once you become fully aware of the phenomenal potential of the Bitcoin revolution, you will no longer fall into this trap.

Final Thoughts

The first step before entering the Bitcoin revolution is to understand why Bitcoin exists and the issues that its system addresses. Once you understand that, then you will buy Bitcoin. That is my certainty and that of all Bitcoiners.

After that, it’s just the beginning of the road. To truly take control of your life and not jeopardize your future, you’ll need to avoid the five most common mistakes I’ve just revealed. This means taking responsibility for the security of the fruits of your labor yourself.

That’s a small price to pay for all that Bitcoin brings you.

How to Get 1,000 Daily Pageviews on Your Blog

Everyone wants 1,000s pageviews per day on their blog, and only a handful will ever reach that goal.


Frustration mounts when a goal seem unattainable. This is why content marketing leaves so many people feeling inadequate. You focus on the goal. You want to find a clear path to gaining an edge. You aspire to greatness but don’t see it yet.

When you execute a content marketing strategy, you are on the right track. You have to be active. You have to adapt. This requires reading and learning to conquer the content marketing beast.

First, let’s look at the most important task in content marketing that you have to do regularly. You have to nail it on the head for every one of these tasks to aspire for 1,000 pageviews daily.

Content Marketing Basics Needed for 1,000 Pageviews

Blogging Often: At least two or three times weekly. Use these tips and tricks to write great blogs faster. Blogging often brings your audience a level of consistency. This consistency is what builds a trust in your website. Trust is the new currency of the internet.

Guest Blogging Monthly: An outstanding post that covers a topic in-depth will help get you featured on other high traffic resources. Find blogs in your niche and contact them. Submit a post and talk them. Show them you know their audience as you cater to the same audience on your site. You don’t have to be promotional in your material. Just provide solid information.

Building a Social Following: Make use of tools and data to find influencers that focus on your niche so you can engage with them and gain followers. Finding the right person often leads to a strong partnership. You can help this effort by staying consistent and focusing on one or two people and building a real relationship with them. Look for a long-term plan of growth versus a short-term growth outlook.

Utilizing Copywriting Techniques: Find ways to write better content with wording, phrases, and tested swipe files. Other writers have blazed a path already. Learn to utilize their recipes for success. Gaining interest and attention from your audience is 90% of earning that first click to your website. Focus on headlines and scannable points.

Have Great Sales Funnels with Captivating Lead Captures: Lead magnets that evoke emotion are the beginning of your conversion optimized funnel. Your audience must trust you enough to enter their email address. Then you must provide credible offers that lead them to a purchase point. The decision to buy or not will now depend on how well you do leading to that point.

Master the Use of Images: Utilizing graphs, charts, infographics, and witty quotes to engage your audience is a must. Visual content is expected and is often as easy as taking content you built and formed it into illustrative points. Take the bullet points and make a Slideshare or infographic.

Long Articles that Cover Subjects in Depth: Sometimes 4,000 words with pictures and a complete walk through on a subject is what is needed. Don’t just make long content for the purpose of having long content. Make sure your content covers a subject in-depth and helps the audience find their way to the answer.

Use a Headline Analyzer (like CoScheduler’s) with High Scores: Tools and Swipe Files to use every ounce of power in those 72-80 characters. Titles and headlines are one of the biggest factors to gaining a first-time reader. Once they are at your site you can then begin building trust. First, you have to get them to your post. That is why your headlines are so important. That is their first impression of you. You wear nice clothes for a reason. First impressions matter.

Quality and Quantity of Post Build-Up: Quantity of content gets you nowhere without quality content. One quality post or page is not going to push you to a consistent 1,000 page views. You will need in-depth content and plenty of it. If you are just starting, then you may want to focus on each post getting a certain number of views daily. Then, figure out how many posts you need if every post gets the same number of daily views.

These nine items are the basics. You will need to master these basics at a moderate to expert level, then you can start looking for 1,000 page views.

As you can see, there are a number of important tasks you have to do well. Let’s break down some other major reasons sites often do not get to 1,000 pageviews.

What is Holding You Back From Reaching 1,000 Pageviews?First, Look at the Possibility of Hitting Your Goal

Looking at the stats on World O Meters, over 2 million blogs have been written today alone. On WordPress, more than 540 million pages are viewed daily – and that is just on their sites. Not everyone’s blog will reach the 1,000 pageviews per day mark.

That is not because they are not capable or that their niche is too small. It only means they are going to quit before reaching this pinnacle of success.

This is because they are not willing to put in the time and attention needed to reach 

How to Increase the traffic of Website?

  As the Internet continues to grow and dominate as a media source, it’s becoming increasingly important that your website stand out fr...